Nowadays, many people have decided to adopt alternative lifestyles, especially in their diets. It can seem quite difficult with the current state of the economy but surprisingly many people have managed to make it work and if you are willing you could make it work for you. Veganism is one alternative diet that has become popular over the past decade. While many people criticize veganism as a trend or a diet that does not give you everything that you need for a daily vitamin intake the reality is much different. Not only is a vegan diet perfect for you but it can also be incredibly easy to adopt. So, let’s delve a little deeper into why it is so easy to be vegan and even more so nowadays.
Before we can discuss why it is so easy nowadays, we need to understand how veganism has become such a prominent diet and why so many people have decided to switch from a normal omnivore diet to a completely vegan lifestyle. To understand veganism, it’s important to go back to the roots of the movement back in the 1950s. Veganism is not only a dietary lifestyle it is also a social movement that is based on the equality of all life. Vegan activists believe that a society cannot be truly free while it benefits from the exploitation both of people and animals. The idea then is to replace as many things as possible in your lifestyle that is provided by the exploitation of animals. This goes not only for your dietary choices but also for the clothes you wear or even the makeup you put on your face. While many people criticize the vegan movement for putting the proverbial horses before the cart the moral code of veganism is admirable.
It’s no surprise that many people who take social justice to heart have adopted this kind of lifestyle to put their money where their mouth is. While there have been many jokes about the very vocal younger vegans who have what many people called the zeal of the new convert the reality is that the rise of veganism is a reactionary result to the growing inequality in the world. As we see climate change caused a lot of crises and things like wars increased the number of refugees it’s no surprise that a lot of people have become more socially aware and activist in their values. You might be wondering what all of this has to do with the act’s ability of veganism, but we are getting there, and it will all make sense.
As you can see veganism is not something that is a new concept and this rise in popularity of the movement especially with the younger generations being so socially minded is no big surprise. As a result of the rising popularity of the vegan movement, many businesses sign profit opportunities. For many companies producing cruelty-free goods might be too much of a loss and profit but for others, it is a perfect business platform that allows them to not only build a very loyal customer base but also build a successful and guilt-free business model. So, it’s not surprising to see that as many people became vegan many businesses turned their attention to this new market share.
While offbeat lifestyle options were earlier confined to diet, their appeal in recent times has extended into the wider spectrum of travel and experiences. This is where unforgettable safari adventures fit in. Such eco-sensitive safaris enable an interaction with nature and wild beauty while following the dictates of sustainability and conservation. Much like the rise of veganism, these safari adventures also meet a growing feeling toward ethical consumption and responsible tourism with unique experiences that respect the environment and animal life.
You see the rise in popularity of the vegan movement does not simply mean that there are a lot more vegan food options. It created a whole new plethora of businesses that catered to these desires to consume products that not only do not harm animals or exploit people but also products that respect the environment. This is why for example for every vegan cuisine restaurant you have businesses that offer biodegradable and reusable catering disposables. For every vegan restaurant goer, you have stores dedicated to vegan leather clothes or cruelty-free makeup companies. This means that this lifestyle created a whole parallel market of products that need to be reinvented. So, this is not only a golden age for these vegan businesses but also for all these customers who have been craving the possibility of purchasing things that represent their lifestyles.
Like everything in life, this is a discourse about offer and demand. A mere 10 years ago the offer of vegan products was extremely small and only available in very specific areas making it extremely hard to be able to put your money behind businesses that practice the values that veganism promotes. Nowadays only a decade later things have changed a lot. If you’re vegan, you might be able to find products that are cruelty-free and good for the environment in your local grocery store as easily as you would online. Online platforms like Etsy have been filled with artisans who create products, especially for the vegan crowd, but you might also be able to find them in a big store at your local mall. The incredible diversity of choice and availability of vegan products shows that it is not only a great time to be a vegan, but it is probably the easiest and best time to become one if you so wish.